


Explore the ultimate platform for IIT JEE and NEET enthusiasts! ✅

Boost your exam preparation with our complete set of study materials

Why to Buy This Bundle

 ✅ Toppers Handwritten Notes
 ✅ 500+ Books with Reference     Materials
 ✅ Previous Year Solved Papers
✅ Test Series with Mock Tests
 ✅ Short Notes for Instant  Revision
 ✅ Question Bank &  Much More
 ✅ Formula Book Chapter wise
Grab this opportunity now! Unleash your potential today!
➡️Super charge your preparation⬅️

What Will You Get Inside....

📝Handwritten Bundles

➡️Colorful & Highlight Pointers
➡️Complete Explanation
➡️ Handwritten Notes of Toppers
➡️Chapter-wise Solutions

✍️Mock Test Series

➡️Enables real exam environment
➡️Designed as per latest exam patterns
➡️improves time management 
➡️regular practice sets

📃Short Notes

➡️Summaries with key concepts
➡️Best for quick revisions

➡️Highlights important points 
➡️Saves time for crunch periods

😇Mind Maps

➡️Visual Topics Representation
➡️Better Memory Retention 
➡️ Simplified Explanation of topics
➡️Suitable for Visual Learning

📘500+ Ebooks

➡️Extensive collection of E-books
➡️best books for each subject
➡️Ensures Best preparation
➡️Covers core concepts with topics

📝Previous Years Questions

➡️Real exam questions  practice Set
➡️Complete solutions for better understanding
➡️with identify recurring patterns
➡️enhances confidence with actual exam feel

📒 Formula Book

➡️Quick Reference of Formulas
➡️Subject wise Organization

➡️Must for Efficient Recall
➡️Best for Solving Numericals

❓Question Bank

➡️Topic Wise Categories
➡️with Subjective & Objective Questions

➡️Covers Potential Exam Questions
➡️Detailed Analysis with Self Assessment

Sr.No.                                                       Study Materials Details                                                               Actual Value 


    1.                                                      Topper Handwritten Notes                                                    5999/-

    2.                                                     500+ Books Collection                                                             19999/-

    3.                                                     Question Bank (Subject Wise)                                             1999/-

    4.                                                     Test Series & Mock Test                                                           1999/-

    5.                                                     Previous Years Q + Answer                                                    1999/-

    6.                                                     Short Notes   (Subject Wise)                                                 1199/-

    7.                                                     Mind Maps   (Subject Wise)                                                   1999/-

    8.                                                    Formula Book  (Subject Wise)                                                999/-


                                                                         Total Value                                                                                      ₹37192/-

                                            Download All Just for  ₹149/- only(Limited Time Offer)


Don't Miss Your Opportunity! Unleash Your Potential Today!

➡️Supercharge Your Preparation⬅️

Testimonials from Our Students!

"I owe a significant portion of my success in the IIT JEE to this remarkable bundle. Tailored for students truly committed to achieving success in their careers, it played a pivotal role in my preparation."
IIT Kharagpur
"During my NEET preparation, I faced financial constraints, and The IIT JEE & NEET Success Bundle came to my rescue. With affordable price, it provided me with access to high-quality study materials, notes, books, and more. The return on investment for this bundle is remarkable."
AIIMS, Patna
Choosing this bundle was the smartest choice I made throughout my preparation journey. It's a treasure trove of resources that significantly enhanced my study experience. I strongly advise every aspiring NEET, IIT, and JEE candidate to seize this opportunity to elevate their chances of success.
IIT Kanpur
"I owe a significant portion of my success in the IIT JEE to this remarkable bundle. Tailored for students truly committed to achieving success in their careers, it played a pivotal role in my preparation."
Sohan Sinha
"During my NEET preparation, I faced financial constraints, and The IIT JEE & NEET Success Bundle came to my rescue. With affordable price, it provided me with access to high-quality study materials, notes, books, and more. The return on investment for this bundle is remarkable."
Jyoti Singh
Safdarjung, Delhi
The IIT JEE & NEET Success Bundle is an invaluable collection of resources. With over 500 books and study materials covering every conceivable topic, coupled with highly beneficial doubt-solving sessions, it proved to be an indispensable asset.Thank you very much
IIT Kanpur

Frequently Asked Questions :

❓ How do I acquire this bundle?


1) Upon successful payment, you will be automatically redirected to the download section of the page.

2) Additionally, the product download link will be sent to the email address provided during checkout. Please allow 5 to 10 minutes for the email to arrive.

3) If you do not receive the email containing the product, we suggest checking your spam folder or promotional tab in your email inbox.

❓Why is the Price of this Bundle so economical ?


We are committed to offering accessible, high-quality education to all. By providing the bundle at an affordable price, our aim is to expand our reach to a wider audience of students and support them in achieving success in their exams.

❓For how long can I access this material ?


While you will enjoy lifetime access to the bundle, we recommend downloading it for safekeeping.

❓What should I do if I don’t receive any email after making a purchase ?


Before contacting us via email, we kindly ask you to review your spam and promotional folders. If you have not received your order, please reach out to us support@positivefinds.com


Don't Miss Your Opportunity! Unleash Your Potential Today!

➡️Supercharge Your Preparation⬅️

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